Ever since I broke my blackberry last month I’ve been getting a lot of dropped calls, calls going straight to voicemail, and other weird things. Now, I know this is not an issue with the phone but rather an issue with the service (or, lack thereof).
Having taken it to AT&T the stupid greeting lady who has no sort of technical knowledge suggested that it is a faulty SIM card, that I should pay $25 to have it replaced, and that I should wait 30 minutes to get someone to help me because they were busy selling crappy service to silly people (silly because at this point opening a line with AT&T, nations slowest network, is silly). Having left the store I tried a different one a few days later, the guy tried to sell me a new phone..
Forget these guys, this is the real fix:
Since ATT 3G network is the slowest in US your phone will have trouble connecting to it, even if you are not using internet service. The solution is to force 2g.
- Press 277634#*#
- Modem Setting
- Network Mode
- Network Mode
- 2G only
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I spent hours on the phone and daggers in my eyes at the store and finally got “Early Termination” fees credited.
I’m so glad I’m back with Verizon; only 1 dropped call in 8 weeks. AT&T was 8-10 DAILY!!!
this is on the right track i use 2g only on my g1
I’m trying to make an important phone call and keep getting this error. I forced 2g, but still receive in.
Its only been happening since we moved…. and only really happens at the apartment, but i don’t really call people when we are out.
get a stationary booster antenna to repeat your wireless signal, sounds like its your location which is doing it.